Online Opportunities
We utilize Zoom with our worship and Bible study opportunities. Please note the information below concerning both. We will make every effort to post the links 24 hours prior to the opportunity. We intend to start sessions approximately ten minutes prior to the official start time.
We gather in person at 10:30am on Sunday morning for our weekly worship service. The service is available also via Zoom. Please click on the time to get the link. The order of service and announcements are available by clicking the respective links. Following the service, the sermon will be posted on the Latest Sermon page of our site.
Bible Study
Our Sunday morning Bible Study meets at 9:00 am. During the Epiphany season (January 6 through February 16) we are considering the Shining Light of Christ that reveals our God, ourselves, and opportunities to shine His Light on others. You may attend in person or on Zoom. The Zoom link is embedded in the time. The study sheet is available here.
Our Tuesday night Bible study is at 7:00 pm. Currently we are studying 2 Samuel. The study sheet is available as a google doc and a pdf. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Michael.
Instructions for Zoom
To use Zoom, you will need to click on the link to the event you are participating in. If you do not have Zoom, when you click on the link you will be instructed to get the app. You do not need an account proper to participate in the opportunity; you do need the app. The app can be use on a computer or a smart phone. Please allow time before the opportunity to download the app. We will try to start the events ten minutes or so in advance so that people have time to gather and chat.
Online Protocol
As with any organized event we want to gather with order so that the opportunity is a blessing for the most involved. With that we will be practicing a few standard items of protocol:
- When you participate in the Zoom worship service or Bible study please mute your microphone when you are not speaking. For the worship service, we want to hear your responses, but please do mute during the hymns, lessons, and the sermon.
- In conversation, for example before and after Bible study/worship, be aware of other people and try to include them in the conversation as a whole.
- If there is a specific concern to you, please note it via the chat feature. The moderator will be as attentive as possible. Please be patient as we do our best to serve.
First Time open_in_new
What to expect at a typical service, Bible study, student fellowship, and how to get involved in our community. We would love to welcome you soon!
Latest Sermon open_in_new
Miss the service this week? Keep up with the season and hear the uplifting message of Christ as we continue to grow in our life of faith.
Partner With Us open_in_new
Partner with us through prayer, volunteering, or donations. You can fill out our Time and Talents form to get involved in a personal way.
Student Nights open_in_new
Student Nights are each Sunday at 6pm. We begin with a meal and then follow with a Bible study or devotion and time together/game. It is a great opportunity to get to know one another and grow in the faith together.
Join Us for Worship and Learning Opportunities
10:30 AM
Traditional worship with Holy Communion
9:00 AM
Come early on Sunday for Education Hour
7:00 PM Tuesday
Join the Midweek Bible study
contact_phone 706-543-3801